G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators
Egypt, Arab Rep.
Key Indicators
(Global Findex database)N/A -
Account, female (% age 15+)
(Global Findex database)N/A -
Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+)
(Global Findex database)N/A
Received wages or government transfers into an account (% age 15+)
(Global Findex database)N/A -
Mobile agent outlets per 100,000 adults
(Financial Access Survey)N/A -
SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution
(Enterprise Surveys)N/A
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- Access to a mobile phone (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone (% age 60+)
- Access to a mobile phone (% ages 15-34)
- Access to a mobile phone (% ages 35-59)
- Access to a mobile phone, female (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone, male (% age 15+)
- Access to internet (% age 15+)
- Access to internet (% age 60+)
- Access to internet (% ages 15-34)
- Access to internet (% ages 35-59)
- Access to internet, female (% age 15+)
- Access to internet, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Access to internet, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Access to internet, male (% age 15+)
- Account (% age 15+)
- Account (% age 60+)
- Account (% ages 15-34)
- Account (% ages 35-59)
- Account, female (% age 15+)
- Account, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Account, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Account, male (% age 15+)
- Active account (% age 15+)
- Active account (% age 60+)
- Active account (% ages 15-34)
- Active account (% ages 35-59)
- Active account, female (% age 15+)
- Active account, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Active account, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Active account, male (% age 15+)
- Agents of payment service providers per 100,000 adults
- ATMs per 100,000 adults
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year (% ages 15-34)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, female (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, male (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution or used a credit card (% age 60+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution or used a credit card (% ages 35-59)
- Branches per 100,000 adults
- Debit cards per 1,000 adults
- Deposit accounts per 1,000 adults
- Disclosure index (0-5)
- Dispute resolution index (0-1)
- E-money accounts per 1,000 adults
- Financial knowledge score (0-3)
- Getting credit: Distance to frontier (0-100)
- Has a national identity card (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card (% age 60+)
- Has a national identity card (% ages 15-34)
- Has a national identity card (% ages 35-59)
- Has a national identity card, female (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card, male (% age 15+)
- Insurance policy holders per 1,000 adults (life)
- Insurance policy holders per 1,000 adults (non-life)
- Interoperability of ATM networks and interoperability of POS terminals (0-1)
- Made or received digital payments (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 60+)
- Made or received digital payments in the past year (% ages 35-59)
- Made or received digital payments, (% ages 15-34)
- Made or received digital payments, female (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments, male (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% age 60+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% ages 15-34)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% ages 35-59)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, female (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, male (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings (% age 60+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings (% ages 35-59)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, (% ages 15-34)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, female (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, male (% age 15+)
- Mobile agent outlets per 100,000 adults
- Mobile money transactions per 100,000 adults
- Outstanding loans per 1,000 adults
- POS terminals per 100,000 adults
- Received wages or government transfers into an account (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account (% age 60+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account (% ages 35-59)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, (% ages 15-34)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, female (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, male (% age 15+)
- Retail cashless transactions per 1,000 adults
- Saved at a financial institution (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution (% age 60+)
- Saved at a financial institution (% ages 15-34)
- Saved at a financial institution (% ages 35-59)
- Saved at a financial institution, female (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution, male (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age (% age 60+)
- Saved for old age (% ages 15-34)
- Saved for old age (% ages 35-59)
- Saved for old age, female (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age, male (% age 15+)
- SME deposit accounts (as a % of non-financial corporation borrowers)
- SME loan accounts (as a % of non-financial corporation borrowers)
- SMEs with a proportion of loans requiring collateral
- SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution
- SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit
- SMEs with at least one female owner with a proportion of loans requiring collateral
- SMEs with at least one female owner with an account at a formal financial institution
- SMEs with at least one female owner with an outstanding loan or line of credit
- Used a debit or credit card to make a purchase in the past year (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% age 60+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% ages 15-34)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% ages 35-59)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, female (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, male (% age 15+)