G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators

Through this portal you can find the most recent data on the G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators.
The indicators assess the state of financial inclusion and digital financial services, nationally and globally. This data, which measures access and use of quality of financial services, can be used by countries to support their financial inclusion goals.
Key findings:
Key findings:
- Financial inclusion is on the rise. Globally, 515 million adults opened an account at a financial institution or through a mobile money service between 2014 and 2017. This represents a rise from 62% to 69% of the adult population owning an account. Despite this progress, 1.7 billion adults still remain unbanked and inequalities persist. Women in developing countries remain 9 percentage points less likely than men to have an account. (Global Findex)
- Mobile money continues to grow in all regions, especially in West Africa. In low-income economies, there are twice as many mobile money accounts than bank accounts per 1,000 adults. (IMF Financial Access Survey)
- Small and medium-sized businesses are mostly excluded from formal borrowing, despite increasingly having an account at a financial service provider. For instance, in Latin America and the Caribbean, about 90% of firms have an account, although only half have a bank loan or line of credit from a bank. (World Bank Enterprise Surveys)
- People over 60 are joining the digital age. Two-thirds of older adults in developing countries, and 85% in wealthier economies, own a mobile phone. They are half as likely as younger adults to make a payment using a mobile phone or the internet. (Global Findex)
The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) developed the indicators, which were endorsed by G20 leaders in 2012. An expanded set of indicators, including financial literacy, use and quality of financial services, was endorsed by the GPFI in 2013. New indicators measuring the use of digital payments and access to digital infrastructure were endorsed in 2016. This portal is powered by the World Bank’s Data Group.
Key Indicators
Account (% age 15+) (Global Findex database, 2017)
69% -
Account (% women, age 15+) (Global Findex database, 2017)
Made or received digital payments (% age 15+) (Global Findex database, 2017)
52% -
Received wages or government transfer payments directly to an account (Global Findex database, 2017)
Number of registered mobile agent outlets (per 100,000 adults) (IMF FAS, 2018)
30% -
SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution (%) (Enterprise Surveys)
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- Access to a mobile phone (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone (% age 60+)
- Access to a mobile phone (% ages 15-34)
- Access to a mobile phone (% ages 35-59)
- Access to a mobile phone, female (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Access to a mobile phone, male (% age 15+)
- Access to internet (% age 15+)
- Access to internet (% age 60+)
- Access to internet (% ages 15-34)
- Access to internet (% ages 35-59)
- Access to internet, female (% age 15+)
- Access to internet, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Access to internet, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Access to internet, male (% age 15+)
- Account (% age 15+)
- Account (% age 60+)
- Account (% ages 15-34)
- Account (% ages 35-59)
- Account, female (% age 15+)
- Account, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Account, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Account, male (% age 15+)
- Active account (% age 15+)
- Active account (% age 60+)
- Active account (% ages 15-34)
- Active account (% ages 35-59)
- Active account, female (% age 15+)
- Active account, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Active account, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Active account, male (% age 15+)
- Agents of payment service providers per 100,000 adults
- ATMs per 100,000 adults
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year (% ages 15-34)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, female (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution in the past year, male (% age 15+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution or used a credit card (% age 60+)
- Borrowed from a financial institution or used a credit card (% ages 35-59)
- Branches per 100,000 adults
- Debit cards per 1,000 adults
- Deposit accounts per 1,000 adults
- Disclosure index (0-5)
- Dispute resolution index (0-1)
- E-money accounts per 1,000 adults
- Financial knowledge score (0-3)
- Getting credit: Distance to frontier (0-100)
- Has a national identity card (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card (% age 60+)
- Has a national identity card (% ages 15-34)
- Has a national identity card (% ages 35-59)
- Has a national identity card, female (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Has a national identity card, male (% age 15+)
- Insurance policy holders per 1,000 adults (life)
- Insurance policy holders per 1,000 adults (non-life)
- Interoperability of ATM networks and interoperability of POS terminals (0-1)
- Made or received digital payments (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 60+)
- Made or received digital payments in the past year (% ages 35-59)
- Made or received digital payments, (% ages 15-34)
- Made or received digital payments, female (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Made or received digital payments, male (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% age 60+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% ages 15-34)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet (% ages 35-59)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, female (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Made payment using a mobile phone or the internet, male (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings (% age 60+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings (% ages 35-59)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, (% ages 15-34)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, female (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Main source of emergency funds: savings, male (% age 15+)
- Mobile agent outlets per 100,000 adults
- Mobile money transactions per 100,000 adults
- Outstanding loans per 1,000 adults
- POS terminals per 100,000 adults
- Received wages or government transfers into an account (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account (% age 60+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account (% ages 35-59)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, (% ages 15-34)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, female (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Received wages or government transfers into an account, male (% age 15+)
- Retail cashless transactions per 1,000 adults
- Saved at a financial institution (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution (% age 60+)
- Saved at a financial institution (% ages 15-34)
- Saved at a financial institution (% ages 35-59)
- Saved at a financial institution, female (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Saved at a financial institution, male (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age (% age 60+)
- Saved for old age (% ages 15-34)
- Saved for old age (% ages 35-59)
- Saved for old age, female (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Saved for old age, male (% age 15+)
- SME deposit accounts (as a % of non-financial corporation borrowers)
- SME loan accounts (as a % of non-financial corporation borrowers)
- SMEs with a proportion of loans requiring collateral
- SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution
- SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit
- SMEs with at least one female owner with a proportion of loans requiring collateral
- SMEs with at least one female owner with an account at a formal financial institution
- SMEs with at least one female owner with an outstanding loan or line of credit
- Used a debit or credit card to make a purchase in the past year (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% age 60+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% ages 15-34)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year (% ages 35-59)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, female (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, income, poorest 40% (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, income, richest 60% (% age 15+)
- Used a mobile phone or the internet to check account balance in the past year, male (% age 15+)